Report on Career Campfire Season-02 Episode-02

IVSA paklihawa successfully completed Career Campfire Season 2 Episode 2 on 31st May, 2023. The program was conducted under the presidency of Mr. Sujit Regmi, which was coordinated by Mr. Bigyan Karki (SCAW Coodinator). The session was a captivating exploration of equine health and diseases with the remarkable Ms. Rosie Meynell. She presented the session with the topic, "Some of the more common equine disease of UK" From intriguing case studies to preventive measures, we delved deep into the world of our four-legged companions. The program was much more intriguied by the presence of Dr. Rupak Kandel (Founding President, IVSA Paklihawa). We has some Q&A session with some remarkable interaction between atendee and our speaker. Mr. Sujit Regmi formally ended the program with his remarkable speech