2nd General Assembly : IVSA NPI

IVSA NPI successfully conducted its 2nd general assembly on 23rd September 2020 via zoom meeting. This general assembly handed its tenureship to newly formed "IVSA NPI 2020/2021 " committee. At this moment IVSA NPI is thankful towards our respected patron Dr. Egendra Kr. Shrestha ( Academic Director of NPI ) , our guests Asst. Prof . Dr. Rebanta Bhattarai ( Advisor), Aasirbad Pokhrel ( President of IVSA Nepal ), Chakra Oli (Regional Representative of Asia ), Pratik Kiju ( EO, IVSA Nepal ), Saroj Ojha ( Treasurer , IVSA Nepal ) & all our respected seniors for their continuous guidance & support during our activities.

We would like to share our achievements of this year to all our team members.

We would like to introduce our newly formed IVSA NPI committee for 2020/21.

1. President : Narayan Poudel

2.Vice President : Purshottam Kafle

3. Exchange officer : Nirdista Pathak

4. Secretary : Dev Sah

5. Joint Secretary : Achyut Acharya

6. Editor : Sachin Bhattarai

7. Treasurer : Jyoti Chaudhary

8. Standing Committee Coordinator : Apeksha Shrestha

9. SCoVE Coordinator : Suman Banjade

10. SCOH Coordinator : Bijay Bhattarai

11. SCAW Coordinator : Ujjwal Basnet

Members :

12. Roshan Raj Singh Thakuri

13. Roshik Shrestha

14. Krishna Sapkota

15. Swostika Sapkota

16. Surya Subedi

17. Pratikshya Chaudhary